Salteaua face parte integranta din aproape toate exercitiile. Principalul motiv pentru care se foloseste salteaua este pentru o mai buna stabilitate in pozitiile de exercitii. Acest lucru se datoreaza faptului ca o postura fixa va va creste siguranta si un confort mai mare atunci cand faceti exercitii. In plus, printre functiile saltelei se numara absorbtia transpiratiei pentru a preveni alunecarea. O functie la fel de importanta este amortizarea miscarilor pentru a proteja ligamentele, articulatiile si tendoanele. De asemenea, salteaua amortizeaza zgomotele de impact, astfel incat sa nu va deranjati vecinii in timpul antrenamentului de acasa. Exista diferite variante de saltele din care puteti alege.
Atunci cand faceti alegerea potrivita, exista mai multi factori de luat in considerare care vor determina cat de bine va veti antrena. In articolul nostru, ne vom concentra pe cei mai importanti, ii vom descrie amanuntit si va vom sfatui cum sa alegeti covorasul ideal pentru exercitii fizice.
Factori in alegerea unei saltele
Grosime si duritate
Grosimea standard a saltelei este de aproximativ 0,4 cm. Cand vine vorba de tipul de saltea mai inalta, mai moale (> 1 cm), aceasta este potrivita in primul rand pentru formele mai lente de exercitii fizice, in special pentru stretching. Daca suferiti de genunchi "basicati", va recomandam sa luati in considerare alegerea unor optiuni mai groase si, eventual, sa treceti la cele mai subtiri in timp. In magazinul nostru online veti gasi saltele de yoga cu dimensiuni cuprinse intre 0,4 si 1,5 cm.
Saltelele pentru exercitii sunt fabricate din diferite tipuri de materiale. Materialul din care este confectionat salteaua determina rigiditatea, rezistenta si, de asemenea, cat de bine elimina transpiratia. Durabilitatea lor variaza, de asemenea, in functie de material. In ultimii ani, materialele speciale care absorb bine transpiratia si care sunt fabricate intr-un mod mai ecologic, fara ftalati si latex - de exemplu, cauciucul sintetic NBR - au recuperat teren in fata PVC-ului si a spumelor conventionale. Acest material exceleaza in ceea ce priveste proprietati precum rezistenta, rigiditatea si rezistenta la umflaturi.
Types of material
- TPE pads
They are made of high quality TPE foam. The soft surface ensures maximum comfort during exercise. The thickness is usually around 0.6 cm. The mat is non-slip, so it will not slip on the floor. Thanks to the material from which it is made, it provides very good stability on the mat, so you are not in danger of slipping even when performing more demanding exercises. Easy to maintain. You can use the mat in yoga, pilates, stretching (stretching), Body Core, Body Balance and more.
+ light weight
+ load resistance
+ slip resistance
+ long service life
- NBR pads
Sports pads made of NBR foam are suitable for exercise at home, in the gym, but also for outdoor activities - camping, picnics, outdoor exercise... They are among the stronger types of pads. It may be suitable for those of you who suffer from joint pain or pain in the lumbar spine. You can choose from different thicknesses, which range from 0.8 to 1.5 cm.
+ shock and noise absorption
+ durability, stability
+ insulation
- EVA pads
They are made of lightweight EVA foam. They are available in 0.4 or 0.6 cm thickness. These mats are the right choice for Power Yoga and other dynamic exercises - e.g. Body Building, Body Form, Bosu Pilates, etc.
+ non-slip surface
+ extra lightweight
+ insulation
+ moisture resistance
Pad made of 0.6 cm thick TPE material
Pad made of 1 cm thick NBR material
Pad made of 0,4 cm thick EVA material
To exercise on the mat you need to take into account the height of your body. Standard sizes of yoga mats range between 180-183 cm. If you don't spend the whole workout on the mat, mostly sitting on it or leaning on it at the hips, the short type (173 cm) will be sufficient. If you need a firm stance on the mat, perform range exercises and lie down, the mat should ideally be taller than you. Exercise mats are available in sizes up to 216 cm.
How you will use your pad is the last key point to consider when you're choosing one.
- Will you be exercising outdoors in nature or at home?
In case you are exercising outside your home and need to carry the mat, it is advisable to choose a lighter version to facilitate longer trips. The advantage is the easy washability, where you just wipe the mat with a damp cloth.
If you don't need to carry the mat and you are exercising at home, for example, you don't have to worry about its higher weight.
- Will your workout be slow or more dynamic?
Pilates, Yin Yoga and Stretching - For this type of exercise, choose a higher, soft mat, taking into account your body type and musculoskeletal capabilities.
Dynamic Yoga, Ashanta or Flow Yoga, Body Balance - When choosing a mat for more dynamic types of exercise, focus on the non-slip surface, strength and sufficient length of the mat to ensure stability in all positions. You can choose rather thinner options taking into account your physical disposition.
Aerobic, Fitness, Power Joga, Body Building - For these more demanding types of exercise, non-slip surfaces and density for impact absorption are priorities. The ideal thickness of such a pad is around 6 mm. As an advantage, you will again appreciate the good absorption capacity for sweat wicking. After use, it is sufficient to wipe the pad with a damp cloth.
Accessories for fitness mats:
As an accessory to the fitness mat you will certainly appreciate the portable straps, which serve to store the mat in the rolled up position and for easy transportation. In our e-shop you will find several mats that include straps.
For better protection against external damage, the yoga mat cover is suitable, which you can also find in our e-shop in the section Yoga mat covers. The mat cover will prevent scratches, scuffs and unwanted contamination.
Another useful accessory when exercising on the mat is a towel, which will ensure the absorption of excess sweat and make exercise more pleasant. The towel is very useful in fitness centres where more people use the mat. Using a towel is more hygienic in this case. You can choose from several types of towels that we offer.
Fitness mat with a strap
The mat case
Fitness towel